Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online



This free course, Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online, will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how ...


  • Introduction and guidance
  • Introduction and guidance
  • What is a badged course?
  • How to get a badge
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week1Week 1: Threat landscape
  • Introduction
  • 1 Online, the new frontline
  • 1.1 Talking security: the basics
  • 1.2 Obtaining Sophos Threatsaurus
  • 1.3 Cyber security attacks and phishing
  • 1.4 Examples of high profile cyber security breaches
  • 1.5 Taking stock of your information assets
  • 1.6 What are your own safeguards?
  • 2 Understanding current threats
  • 2.1 Identifying vulnerable systems
  • 2.2 How to keep up to date
  • 2.3 Staying informed
  • 3 Securing my digital information
  • 3.1 Threats to your assets
  • 4 Week 1 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 1
  • Further reading
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week2Week 2: Authentication
  • Introduction
  • 1 Passwords: what are they for?
  • 1.1 What happens when you enter a password?
  • 1.2 Attacking passwords
  • 1.3 Salt to protect
  • 2 Improving password security
  • 2.1 How to pick a proper password
  • 2.2 Checking the strength of a password
  • 2.3 Password managers
  • 2.4 Installing and using a password manager
  • 2.5 Alternatives to using password managers
  • 3 Two-factor authentication
  • 3.1 Setting up two-factor authentication
  • Two-factor authentication on Google
  • Two-factor authentication on Facebook
  • Other two-factor authentication services
  • 3.2 Other services supporting two-factor authentication
  • 4 Week 2 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 2
  • Further reading
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week3Week 3: Malware
  • Introduction
  • 1 Viruses
  • 1.1 Worms
  • 1.2 Trojans
  • 1.3 Defining terms
  • 2 How malware gets into your computer
  • 2.1 What is malware for?
  • 2.2 Phishing
  • 2.3 Trapping phishing emails
  • 2.4 Spotting a phishing email
  • 2.5 Emails are not the only phish
  • 2.6 The role of malware in click fraud
  • 2.7 Botnets
  • 2.8 Confessional
  • 3 Keeping yourself protected
  • 3.1 Antivirus software
  • 3.2 Installing antivirus software
  • 3.3 Keeping your software up to date
  • 3.4 End-of-life software
  • 3.5 Sandboxes and code signing
  • 4 Week 3 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 3
  • Further reading
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week4Week 4: Networking and communications
  • Introduction
  • 1 What is the internet?
  • 1.1 How data moves around the internet
  • 1.2 Introducing the datagram
  • 1.3 Datagrams on the move
  • 1.4 Wireless networks
  • 2 Is your private information really private?
  • 2.1 Network security challenges
  • 2.2 Encryption in wireless networking
  • 2.3 Using wireless networking securely
  • 3 Why we need standards on the internet
  • 3.1 Introducing the TCP/IP protocols
  • 3.2 The internet protocol and IP addresses
  • 3.3 From numbers to names
  • 3.4 The internet is not the world wide web
  • 4 Week 4 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 4
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week5Week 5: Cryptography
  • Introduction
  • 1 The secret of keeping secrets
  • 1.1 Plaintext and ciphertext
  • 1.2 Encryption keys
  • 1.3 The key distribution problem
  • 1.4 Asymmetric or public key cryptography
  • 1.5 Why isn’t the internet encrypted?
  • 2 Putting cryptography to use
  • 2.1 Setting up a PGP email client
  • 2.2 Sending signed and encrypted email
  • 3 Comparing different cryptographic techniques
  • 3.1 Using cryptography to prove identity
  • 3.2 Digital signatures and certificates
  • 3.3 Encrypted network connections
  • 3.4 How secure is your browsing?
  • 4 Week 5 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 5
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week6Week 6: Network security
  • Introduction
  • 1 Firewall basics
  • 1.1 Personal firewalls
  • 1.2 Configuring your own firewall
  • 2 VPN basics
  • 2.1 Securing the tunnels
  • 2.2 Security risks of VPN
  • 2.3 Putting VPN to work
  • 3 Intrusion detection system (IDS)
  • 3.1 IDS techniques
  • 3.2 Honeypots
  • 4 Week 6 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 6
  • Further reading
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week7Week 7: When your defences fail
  • Introduction
  • 1 Identity theft
  • 1.1 Loss of data
  • 1.2 Risks of data loss
  • 2 Laws and computers
  • 2.1 Data Protection
  • 2.2 The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA)
  • 2.3 The Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA)
  • 2.4 The Fraud Act 2006
  • 2.5 Lawful Business Practice Regulations
  • 2.6 Cyber security and the law
  • 2.7 Cyber security in the EU
  • 2.8 What laws apply in your country?
  • 3 Who should you contact?
  • 3.1 Getting your computer working again
  • Recovering from a virus or other malware
  • Recovering from accidentally deleting a file
  • Recovering from a lost computer, disk or flash memory drive containing confidential data
  • Recovering from an operating system failure
  • 3.2 Making your information less vulnerable
  • 3.3 Protecting your data for the future
  • 3.4 Backup media
  • 3.5 Remote backups
  • 3.6 Do you backup your data?
  • 3.7 Archiving data
  • 4 Week 7 quiz
  • 5 Summary of Week 7
  • Further reading
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Week8Week 8: Managing security risks
  • Introduction
  • 1 Information as an asset
  • 1.1 Your own information assets
  • 1.2 Risk analysis
  • 1.3 Risk analysis in practice
  • 2 Staying safe online
  • 2.1 Fix your browser
  • 2.2 Risk management in practice
  • 2.3 Protecting your information assets
  • 2.4 What should I do next?
  • 2.5 Tracking a moving target
  • 3 What do you do now?
  • 3.1 Confessional
  • 4 End-of-course quiz
  • 5 End-of-course guide and round-up
  • 6 Next steps
  • Tell us what you think
  • Acknowledgements

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